
Showing posts from January, 2017
Cloud Powered Data Center - By Kasey Shah Objective In this Blog I will coin a new term, “ Cloud Powered Data Center, ” explain it, and provide you a high level architecture guidance on designing your next data center to be a Cloud Powered Data Center!. Introduction Data centers are used to house corporate applications and data for over two decades now. Recent trend is to leverage public cloud resources, which are neither located on campus nor co-located at a hosting provider’s environment. In my opinion, the combination of private data center and the public cloud environment works the best for most of medium and large enterprises.  When I speak at conferences I often get asked that "whether it is necessary to have a private data center any more?" My answer is along the lines that for the medium to the large organizations, having a private data center is unavoidable. Whereas startup companies are born in the cloud era and are generally not interested in 

Autonomous Drive - A Perfect Use Case for Modern Technologies

Is Autonomous Drive a perfect use case for modern technologies?  My answer is an emphatic YES! INTRODUCTION It appears to me that the  Autonomous Drive (AD) might be a perfect use case for many modern technologies. For autonomous car to work as expected and in a socially acceptable manner, several modern technologies such as Cloud, IoT, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Voice Command have to work well and seamlessly with each other. What is Autonomous Drive? Autonomous Drive is what the name suggests, a capability of a vehicle to drive itself from point A to point B without any (or much) intervention by the driver of the vehicle. Most of the recognized auto makers are working on their own version of autonomous a.k.a. driverless car. Autonomous car capabilities are released in several phases starting from AD 1 through AD 5, where AD 1 is advance cruise control and AD 5 is autonomous drive through busy downtown. Car manufacturers are at various stages of their AD journey.