Patent Bar Exam Preparation

Welcome back to my Blogger. This post is about the Patent Bar Exam preparation.

To become Patent practitioner in the United States, one must pass the Patent Bar Exam amongst other qualifications. Patent Agents and Patent Attorneys are in high demand throughout US. Average Patent Attorney salaries are $180K in US while Patent Agents routinely make six figure salaries. 

Patent Bar Exam is considered to be one of the hardest licensing exams. Patent Bar Exam is administered by USPTO and delivered by Prometric at their sites throughout the United States. It is a six hour, 100 question exam delivered over two three hour sessions, a morning session and an afternoon session, separated by an hour long break.

Although the Patent Bar Exam is an open book exam, there are over 6000 pages covered in this exam material. It is necessary to know most of the patent law cold while leaving some room to search MPEP for the topics that you may not be as familiar with or something very peculiar. I recommend that you practice with at 500 to 1000 modern high quality practice questions to get ready for this exam. Do not spend any time on pre-AIA 102 and other pre-AIA material. Also, do not spend time on doing old practice questions even if they are slightly modified. The exam has significantly changed and you need to find and practice with modern practice questions.

Recently, I wrote a practice test with 30 such modern questions to help you prepare, understand, and pass this very difficult exam. I go through each question in a video format to explain you why the right answer is right and wrong answers are wrong. I also provide PDF document with my model answer along with more information and either web site links or search pattern for Google for a particular topic.

Check out free preview available at the following link. This course is only $20, if you enroll via the above link.

If you have any question feel free to reach out to me in one of 10 ways that I have mentioned in this course. Here are some of the pointers to engage in free discussion about the Patent Bar Exam Preparation.

Good luck with the preparation!


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