Patent Bar Practice Exam

Did you know that the Patent Bar has changed in January, 2017? USPTO has published list of changes on their website here.

With these new changes, there is lot more focus on AIA related topics, specifically AIA 102 and AIA procedures. Make sure to study AIA material very well before attempting the Patent Bar Exam. My advise is to practice with modern and latest practice questions that will prepare you for this very difficult exam.

Recently, I published a 30 question practice exam with PDF as well as detailed Video based answers. I walk through the question, answer, explanation, and related information with the learner. I point out what to watch out for and important take aways along the way. I feel strongly that this will prepare you for the latest changes with the Patent Bar Exam with USPTO.

I offer my full mentoring support to help you prepare and pass this very difficult patent bar exam. I look forward to see you in my course.

Once again, here is the link for it. Good luck.

Note: You can check out free resources for the Patent Bar Exam Preparation here.


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