Announcing Patent Bar Exam Prep Instructor-led Online Training Bootcamp

Hello Bar Prep - Patent Bar Exam Prep Instructor-led Online Training Bootcamp

Re:Announcing Patent Bar Exam Prep instructor-led training Bootcamp program by Hello Bar Prep

I am excited to announce the pre-launch of the Patent Bar Instructor-led Online Training Bootcamp program. This program is ideal for those candidates preparing for the Patent Bar Exam and planning to take it over the next one to six months. It is an instructor-led and instructor guided training program to ensure your success at this very difficult exam.

At this point I am announcing pre-launch of this program with a limited number of students to give my full attention and time for their success. Later in the year 2017, I will be making this program generally available.

What is included in this program?
  • 12 hours of instructor-led training using web and phone conferencing.
  • 100+ hours of student homework related to reading, answering questions, engaging in discussion, and preparing for the exam.
  • Number of short questions & answers for various topics.
  • Number of practice questions & answers for your preparation.
  • Tips on how to take the exam and maximize your chances of passing it.
  • Access to discussion forum and number of other tools to communicate with me and other exam candidates having the same same goal.

Every month starting from August, 2017. Instructor-led classes are held every Saturday from 7 am to 10 am pacific time. Recorded classes are available for replay from customer-only area of our web site & discussion forum.

Patent Bar Bootcamp Pre-launch price is only USD $595. After the pre-launch phase the regular price for the same course will be USD $1995.

How to Enroll?
To enroll send email to
Thank you very much and happy studying!

I, Kasey Shah, will be the instructor for this course teaching and guiding the students to learn the subject matter. I have taught several thousand students in various areas over my career. I am an attorney at law admitted by California. I am also Patent Agent and Patent Attorney admitted by USPTO. See my detailed profile here and here.

Kasey Shah
Attorney at Law in California
Patent Attorney, 



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