Patent Bar Exam Preparation and Exam Taking TIps - By Kasey Shah

Patent Bar Exam Preparation Tips

By Kasey Shah, Hello Bar Prep

What is the Patent Bar or Patent Office Exam?
Patent Bar or Patent Office Exam is one of the main pre-requisites to be licensed practitioner with the USPTO (United States Patents and Trademark Office). It is a six hour, 100 multiple choice question electronically administered exam. It is considered to be one of the hardest licensing/certification exams. It means that the candidates must be well prepared to pass this difficult exam. To that end, I am announcing the Patent Bar Exam Prep instructor-led training program.

Patent Bar Exam Prep Tips and Success Recipe - by Kasey Shah

  • Send your registration paperwork to USPTO when you are committed to take the exam within 3 months.
  • Invest your time. In my estimation, if you invest about 250 quality hours of study time, you are likely to succeed at the Patent Bar Exam.
  • Be active and hungry to learn the Patent Law. Participate in the discussion forum. Piazza discussion forum by Hello Bar Prep for the Patent Bar Exam Prep Bootcamp students is located here.
  • Ask questions, post your answers, start your own thread, and in general show your passion to learn. If you take these steps then you are twice more likely to pass this difficult exam. 
  • Learn how to search documentation that will be available to you during the exam. The search in the USPTO exam is not quite Google Search that we all know of. It is primitive and can be annoying, if you do not learn how to do it well.
  • I have posted over 40 exercises on searching documentation such as MPEP, CFR, 35 USC Law, and other exam provided documents. These exercises can be found under Patent Bar Exam Prep discussion forum hosted at Piazza here.
  • You cannot just rely on searching your way to pass this exam. You must know most of the material well and should be able to answer the exam questions.
  • Make and update the outline for the Patent Bar topics. You can download a copy of the blank template from here.
  • Practice answering at least 500 good quality modern practice questions for the exam preparation.
  • Use highlighting feature available in the Patent Exam delivered by Prometric. Watch my video on Youtube to learn about this feature here.
  • Watch my Prepare & Pass the Patent Bar Exam video on YouTube here.
  • Use crossing out wrong exam choices feature available at Prometric testing center during your Patent Bar Exam. Watch my YouTube video here to learn how to do this.
  • Go through the exam in three passes as described below.
  • In the first pass go through all the questions without looking at the documentation. Mark questions that you are not sure of. Make two categories. P1=MUST revisit and P2=May revisit.
  • In the second pass go through the marked questions with P1. This time, refer to documentation as needed.
  • In the third pass go through the marked questions with P2. This time, refer to documentation as needed.
  • In Conclusion, Patent Bar exam is hard and requires you to give it approximately 250 hours of your time to prepare for it. Learn and implement strategy on how to take the exam. Know the material fairly well. Learn how to search the documentation. Participate in discussion forum to learn actively.
Good Luck!

Kasey Shah
Attorney at Law in California
Patent Attorney, Patent Agent
Technology Professional



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