Patent Bar Exam Prep instructor-led bootcamp training program

Patent Bar Exam Prep Instructor-led Online Training Bootcamp

What is the Patent Bar or Patent Office Exam?
Patent Bar or Patent Office Exam is one of the main pre-requisites to be licensed practitioner with the USPTO (United States Patents and Trademark Office). It is a six hour, 100 multiple choice question electronically administered exam. It is considered one of the hardest licensing/certification exams among all disciplines. It clearly means that the candidates must be well prepared to pass this difficult exam. To that end, I am announcing the Patent Bar Exam Prep instructor-led training program.

What is the Patent Bar Exam Prep Bootcamp?
Patent Bar Exam Prep Bootcamp is an instructor-led training program for the candidates who wish to appear for the Patent Bar Exam (a.k.a. USPTO Exam) to become Patent Agent or Patent Attorney. This program is ideal for candidates who would want to take Patent Bar Exam within the next 1 to 6 months. 

What is included in this program?
  • 12 hours of instructor-led live online training using the web & phone conferencing.
  • Substantive Law related training and guidance.
  • 100+ hours of student homework related to reading, answering questions, engaging in discussion, and preparing for the exam.
  • Number of short questions & answers for various topics.
  • Number of practice questions & answers for your preparation.
  • Tips on how to take the exam and maximize your chances of passing it.
  • Access to discussion forum and a number of other tools to communicate with me as well as other exam candidates.
  • Access to instructors for substantive and exam preparation related questions.
  • Occasional phone and text messaging based support from the instructor to registered students.
  • Here is a list of topics covered during instructor-led training program.

Every month starting from August, 2017. Instructor-led classes are held every Saturday from 7 am to 10 am pacific time. Recorded classes are made available for replay from customer-only area of our web site & discussion forum.
  • August, 2017 Class Timing: August 5, 12, 19, 26 from 7 am to 10 am pacific time.
  • September, 2017 Class Timing: Sept 2, 9, 16, 23 from 7 am to 10 am pacific time.
  • October, 2017 Class Timing: Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 from 7 am to 10 am pacific time.

Patent Bar Bootcamp Pre-launch price is only USD $595. After the pre-launch phase the regular price for the same course will be USD $1995.

How to Enroll?
To enroll in the Patent Bar (Patent Office Exam) exam prep instructor-led bootcamp training please send an email to

I, Kasey Shah, will be the instructor for this course teaching and guiding the students to learn the subject matter. I have taught several thousand students in various areas over my career. I am an attorney at law admitted by California. I am also Patent Agent and Patent Attorney admitted by the USPTO. See my detailed profile on Udemy here and LinkedIn here.

Thank you very much and happy studying!

Kasey Shah
Attorney at Law in California
Patent Attorney, Patent Agent
Technology Professional



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