Patent Bar Exam Prep Free Discussion Forum

Patent Bar Exam Prep Free Discussion Forum

Announcing general availability of the free discussion forum for Patent Bar Exam Preparation. Primary objective of this forum is to prepare the Patent Bar Exam candidates for this very difficult exam. To that end, I have  already posted and will continue to post the substantive patent law notes, questions, answers, videos, short questions, full-size practice questions, and related documents to engage the candidates in a constructive dialogue.


Key features of the free Patent Bar Exam Prep discussion forum:
  • A collaborative space to engage with other candidates as well as instructors to learn the patent bar exam topics.
  • Instructor guided, supported, and moderated active discussion forum.
  • I use the same Piazza learning platform that is used by the world renowned universities such as; UC Berkeley, Stanford, Yale, Harvard, University of Cambridge, MIT, and many more.
  • Hundreds of short questions that candidates are encouraged to answer for their learning.
  • Guided by “no question is too silly to ask” principle encouraging inclusive discussions on the forum.
  • Learn about the latest changes to the Patent Bar Exam format, allowed material, and approach.
  • Learn tips on how to best prepare for the Patent Bar Exam.
  • Exam preparation tips are provided throughout the discussion forum.
  • Access to free practice questions for the Patent Bar Exam preparation.
  • Private communication option with the instructors.
  • This is the platform that is likely enable the participants to learn rapidly, and prepare & pass the Patent Bar Exam!
  • Candidates who engage in learning by collaboration are twice more likely to pass this and any other such licensing or certification exam. It’s a fact!
How to Join?
You may use any one of the following two methods to join the free Patent Bar Exam Prep discussion forum.
  1. Click on this link and complete your free registration with Piazza to gain access to this forum.
  2. Send email to requesting to enroll you to this free discussion forum platform.
I look forward to get to know you inside the free Patent Bar Exam Prep forum. If you have any question please let me know at

You can view the video about this post on my channel at YouTube here.

Thank you.

Kasey Shah
Attorney at Law in California
Patent Attorney, 
Patent Agent
Technology Professional


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